Thank You for an Amazing 24th USAS Virtual Convention!

The 24th USAS Virtual Convention was a massive success! HUGE thank you to our 100+ student participants, many of whom led workshops and facilitated panels, as well as our 20 powerful guests speakers and panelists, including our amazing keynote speaker Sara Nelson.

Shoutout to UMD USAS Local 54 for being such amazing convention hosts – don’t forget to sign their petition at demanding that the University of Maryland bargain with AFSCME 1072 campus workers on pandemic health and safety issues.

Thank you to our wonderful convention sponsors SEIU, AFSCME 1072, UMass Labor Center, LiUNA, ATU and to all of our labor movement allies who joined us on panels and in workshops.

We are all feeling energized and inspired after a weekend of building student and worker power, and USASers are ready to fight harder than ever on our campuses!